Motorcycle Armour - Gear Up for Safety on Two Wheels

Motorcycle enthusiasts know that nothing compares to the thrill of riding on two wheels. But with great excitement comes great responsibility, especially regarding safety. One essential piece of gear that often gets overlooked is motorcycle armour. In this blog post, we'll explore the history of motorcycle armour, its importance, how it protects riders, and what the future holds for this life-saving technology.

The Evolution of Motorcycle Armour

Early Days of Motorcycle Safety

In the early days of motorcycling, safety gear was practically non-existent. Riders often donned simple leather jackets, boots, and gloves for protection. However, as the popularity of motorcycles grew, so did the need for better safety measures.

The Introduction of Purpose-Built Gear

By the mid-20th century, the first purpose-built motorcycle safety gear began to appear. Leather jackets became thicker and more robust, designed to protect against road rash. Helmets also saw significant advancements, evolving from basic headgear to more sophisticated designs with better impact protection.

The Rise of Modern Armour

The 1980s and 1990s marked a significant shift in motorcycle safety gear. Manufacturers started incorporating advanced materials like Kevlar and hard plastic into their designs. These innovations led to modern motorcycle armour, which offers superior protection without sacrificing comfort.

The Importance of Motorcycle Armour for Safety

Minimising Injury Risks

Motorcycling carries inherent risks, but wearing the right motorcycle armour can significantly lower the chances of serious injuries. Quality motorcycle gear is designed to absorb and distribute impact forces, protecting crucial areas such as the spine, chest, and joints. Investing in protective motorcycle gear is essential for every rider's safety.

Boosting Rider Confidence

Wearing proper motorcycle armour not only increases safety but also boosts rider confidence. Knowing you are well-protected allows you to enjoy your ride without worrying about accidents. With the right protective gear, you can focus on the thrill of the journey, making every ride more enjoyable and stress-free. Prioritise your safety and confidence by choosing the best motorcycle armour available.

How Motorcycle Armour Protects Riders

Impact Absorption and Distribution

One of the primary functions of motorcycle armour is to absorb and distribute impact forces. Most armour manufacturers use materials like foam and hard plastic. The armour is strategically placed to protect joints and vital organs, reducing the severity of injuries in a fall or collision.

Abrasion Resistance

Road rash is a common injury among motorcyclists. Modern motorcycle armour and fabrics, often made from materials like Kevlar and Cordura, provide excellent abrasion resistance. This means the armour can withstand sliding on asphalt, reducing the risk of severe skin injuries.

Flexibility and Comfort

Gone are the days of stiff, uncomfortable protective gear. Today's motorcycle armour is designed with flexibility and comfort in mind. Innovations like RHEON™ Motorcycle Armour incorporate advanced materials that adapt to the rider's movements, offering protection without restricting mobility.

Types of Motorcycle Armour

Foam Armour

There are two primary types of motorcycle armour: foam and hard plastic. Foam armour is soft and absorbs impact through slow rebound, offering superior protection to hard plastic. However, it is a single-use option that must be replaced after an incident.

Memory Foam

Memory foam is among the most popular motorcycle armour materials because it protects riders from impacts and collisions. It conforms to the body, distributing impact forces over a larger area, reducing the likelihood of injuries.

Silicone Armour

Silicone, a gel-based material, is excellent at absorbing impact. It is generally very flexible, enhancing comfort when worn against the body. While its weight allows it to pair well with other materials, like injection-moulded plastic, silicone lacks abrasion resistance and can be easily damaged upon contact with hard surfaces.

Hard Plastic Armour

Hard armour is designed to protect the wearer in an accident. Made from rigid plastic, it often features an impact-absorbing foam backing that mitigates the force of collisions, preventing injuries. Additionally, some riders opt for soft armour, such as motorcycle gloves, to provide extra protection.

Viscoelastic Armour

Motorcycle armour made from viscoelastic materials effectively reduces shock and impact during accidents. This material remains soft at rest but becomes rigid upon impact, offering crucial protection against serious injuries.

The Future of Motorcycle Armour

Smart Armour Technology

The future of motorcycle armour lies in intelligent technology. Researchers are developing armour with embedded sensors to monitor impact forces and provide real-time data to riders and emergency responders.

Sustainable Materials

Manufacturers are exploring sustainable materials for motorcycle armour as the world becomes more environmentally conscious. Innovations like biodegradable foams and recycled fabrics pave the way for eco-friendly protective gear.

Personal Customisation

Advancements in 3D printing and manufacturing techniques will allow for highly customisable armour. Riders can order gear explicitly tailored to their body shape and riding style, ensuring optimal protection and comfort.

RHEON™ Motorcycle Armour and Roadskin® - The Perfect Pairing

RHEON Motorcycle Armour and Roadskin Motorcycle Jeans

Rheon Motorcycle Armour is leading the way in protective gear technology. Its innovative material properties enable it to adapt to varying impact forces. RHEON™ is a non-Newtonian material that showcases a remarkable duality: it remains soft and flexible under typical conditions but transforms into a rigid state when subjected to force. This unique property allows it to satisfy the highest impact protection standards while ensuring exceptional softness, flexibility, and comfort.

Lightweight and Breathable

One common complaint about traditional motorcycle armour is its bulkiness and lack of ventilation. RHEON™ has addressed this issue by creating lightweight and breathable armour. This ensures that riders remain comfortable, even on long journeys.

Durability and Longevity

Investing in quality gear means it should last. RHEON™ Motorcycle Armour is built to withstand the rigours of daily use, offering riders long-lasting protection. Its durable materials ensure that it remains effective even after multiple impacts.

Combine RHEON™ with Roadskin Motorcycle Jeans...

Roadskin motorcycle jeans offer the perfect blend of style and functionality. They look like regular denim but have built-in protection, making them a favourite among safety and style-conscious riders.

Customisable Protection

With pockets for knee and hip armour, Roadskin jeans allow riders to customise their level of protection. This flexibility ensures that you can adapt your gear to different riding conditions. With Rheon armour inserted into our motorcycle jeans, the combination provides peace of mind, protection, and comfort.

Durable and Comfortable

Made from high-quality materials, Roadskin motorcycle jeans are both durable and comfortable. Their abrasion-resistant fabric ensures long-lasting wear, while the comfortable fit makes them suitable for everyday use.


Motorcycle armour is a crucial component of any rider's safety gear. From its early days to today's advanced technology, it has evolved to provide superior protection while ensuring comfort and style. Whether a daily commuter or an adventure rider, investing in quality motorcycle armour like RHEON™ and Roadskin AAA-rated motorcycle jeans can make all the difference. Stay safe, ride confidently, and remember—your gear is your first line of defence.

Ready to upgrade your riding gear? Explore our range of Roadskin motorcycle jeans and Rheon Motorcycle Armour to find the perfect fit for your needs. Let's ride safely together!

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